Individual Therapy

Do things feel like they’re falling apart?

Like all you can do right now is just hold on?

Achieving mediocrity feels like a good day, and most days, you feel like you’re failing at something: work, family, or relationships. You know you can’t do it all (no one can), but sometimes you feel lucky if you can hack half of it.

Stress, depression, stagnation, numbness, and anger flood your days. You feel like you’re losing your grip on handling anything.

Do you feel more alone than ever?

Your relationships are withering. Breakups, troubled partnerships, divorce…

You wonder if you are lovable… if you’ll be alone forever… if you’ll ever manage a successful relationship with another human.

Hopelessness, anxiety, and loneliness keep you up at night. Maybe you scan your text messages or social media to keep you distracted from the fact that you don’t feel complete.

Maybe you don’t even know who you are anymore…

You have lost a sense of who you are. Sometimes, you look in the mirror and can’t even recognize yourself.

You look different… you feel different… and no one seems to notice that your world has broken apart.

Life goes on all around you, but you feel like an outsider – someone who just doesn’t “get it” (whatever “it” is).

I know this is tough, but maybe it’s all a new beginning…

A recent breakup sends your mind spinning. You can’t stop replaying your relationship in your head, going over and over past conversations, events, moments. It keeps you up at night, sends you into panic, crying. Your chest hurts your body aches. Will you always be alone??

Your job hits a plateau, and you feel like you’re floundering. Every day is Groundhog Day, and yet it’s all still so stressful. You’re burnt by the time you get home to your family, and nothing you say seems to make anyone happy. On your daily commute, you think, “Is this all there is?”

Every day at home is filled with tension. You can’t seem to get on the same page as your partner. Each moment, you feel like you’re drifting farther away. You loved each other once, but that seems like long ago. Emptiness and loneliness take over. Together, you start having the tough discussions: stay or go? Fight for the relationship, or call it a game?

A new baby has thrown you. You never knew love like this before, and you constantly worry that something will happen to this new, fragile life. The house is a shambles, and so are you. At night, you find yourself crying in the bathroom, wondering if this is how it will be for the rest of your life.

Everyone’s expectations of you: perfect home, happy marriage, badass job, well-adjusted kids. It all seems like a setup for failure.

You have a choice to make…

You can stay where you are, defined by others and circumstances over which you feel no control, OR…

You can bust out, take a chance, and live your life authentically.

It’s risky. You may be miserable, but at least it’s a miserable you know, right? Happiness would feel different, and it might be uncomfortable to get there. In the meantime, this limbo place is easy. You may not be really “living,” but enduring. At least you don’t have to make any changes!

Or, you can see what’s it’s like to live life on your terms. There’s a better way.

You’ll have to shed some of your patterns, some of what holds you back: negative self-talk, all-or-nothing mentality, catastrophic thinking, defenses, unhelpful communication, labeling.

You’ll need to drill down on what’s important to you, activities that truly bring you joy, places, and people that give you hope. Choose to love and let go. Break through barriers and limits that block your performance. Access your power. You’ll need to find your “why.”

But don’t worry: You’re not alone… I’m here to help.

Individual therapy will give you the space to find your strengths, identify the patterns in your life that aren’t serving you, and get the tools you need to reach peak performance.

You’re coming into this journey with many assets…

Knowledge that something needs to change. Desire for something better. Willingness to explore. Curiosity. Hope, however flickering, of a future that looks different. You’ve been smart and capable in your life. You’ve had people who love you and support you – a network of friends and family who touch your life in meaningful ways. You have more strengths than you know.

Looking at what is and isn’t working for you…

We’ll look at the relationships (familial, professional, romantic, and social) that impact your life. We’ll work together to understand who’s in your world and their impact on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Some of these relationships are serving you well; others are limiting your potential.

We’ll also look at your thought patterns. We’ll work together to break out of negative echo chambers, identify times where you feel like everything is blowing back on you, or where you’re acting from The Worst-Case Scenario handbook. We’ll start to challenge your stuck places, open our eyes to evidence that things are different, and begin to write a new narrative that supports your success.

Finally, we’ll analyze how you communicate. We’ll look for patterns of unhelpful communications through Communication Analysis and identify words, phrases, and timing issues that obscure your message. Lastly, we’ll use graciousness and etiquette to help you get what you need and set boundaries efficiently while growing your relationships.

To make a change and succeed, you’ll need new skills…

How to cope with hard emotions, so they no longer rule your life…

How to uncover what makes you happy, rather than what others expect…

How to remove the faulty lenses that are obscuring your abilities and relationships…

How to find your strengths and self-worth…

How to use empathy to ask for what you need and get it…

Success is walking away from our time together with the tools you need to build your life exactly as you want it, all on your own.

This is a safe space just for you.

This is your time to express yourself – to give light to all those thoughts you’ve been shoving into dark places in your quest to keep it together.

This is your special place where you can fall apart, make changes, and access the inner strength you forgot you had.

It’s a judgment-free zone to let loose, laugh, cry, and heal. And I’m right there with you the whole time.

If you’re like most of my clients, you have your doubts right now.

Most of my clients come to therapy filled with self-doubt – doubt about priorities, next steps, what to say, how to say it, relationships, friendships, parenting…

But I’m going to ask you to trust yourself!

You are wiser than you know and stronger than you realize. You are the sum of all of your life experiences – the difficult and the good.

You don’t have to handle this all alone anymore. We’re now a team, and I’m here to help you find your sense of calm, humor, love, and identity – to reach your full potential!

Let’s get started on your new life. Call today for a free consultation: (310) 717-4239.