Life Transitions for Young Adults

Everything is changing…

It was one of the best days of your life: throwing your cap in the air… the processional… that diploma or degree in your hand. You dreamt about it for years, studying algebra, Spanish, world history, organic chemistry, or medieval literature.

But now, you don’t know what comes next. College… graduate school… that first job… the options are overwhelming.

It seems like any step you take will have lifelong consequences. You are scared of making any decision, and immediately rethink any decision you do make. The anxiety is paralyzing.

It keeps you up at night. You can’t sleep, or, when you do, you wake up nervous. Or maybe you can barely get out of bed… just wanting to sleep and wake up when your life is figured out.

Do you find yourself crying at the oddest moments? Snapping at your parents or friends? Flipping out over insignificant things?

One by one, people are leaving – either because they are starting their lives elsewhere… or because you’ve grown apart… or because you keep saying “no” to plans, getting into arguments, and avoiding everyone.

At a time when the world should be at your feet, you feel more alone and powerless than ever.

And you don’t know what to do…

Moving into that dorm room or first apartment…

Paying bills…

Doing laundry…

Dealing with bureaucracy: appointments, parking tickets, taxes…

Putting up with a difficult boss at an entry-level job…

If the plumbing breaks down, it’s on you to find someone to fix it.

If a check bounces, it’s on you to pay it (and the fine).

If your roommates don’t clean or play their loud, horrible music too loud… it’s on you.

Adulting is hard… and it’s all happening so fast!

And on top of all that… relationships!

You have your first serious partner whom you love. Well… maybe. Maybe not…

Everything moves so quickly. A first date turns into multiple nights over, and now, suddenly, there’s a toothbrush in your sink that’s not your own and a drawer full of someone else’s clothing. Your space isn’t just yours anymore, and you don’t know if you love or hate it.

You don’t know how to do a relationship like this.

How can you care this much but not lose yourself?

How to break up when you don’t love your partner as they love you?

How do you know if they’re the right one to “go the distance with”?

The stakes seem higher as you consider “your whole life” with this person. Dating, marriage, kids… that’s what’s to come, right??

You’re doing all this, keeping in mind everyone’s expectations…

Your parents had big plans for you. They set away money for your college, and you had tutors, counselors, and teachers all supporting you. And there’s your grandparents and aunts and uncles…

Everyone asks you about your major and what you want to do with your life. They keep telling you to go out and do great things.

On your socials, all your friends seem to have a plan. You see TikToks with people wearing college sweatshirts or putting on their suit for their first job.

It all filters in slowly: happy couples, engagements, and good times. Everyone’s killing it: making spring break trips… or backpacking through Europe… or volunteering with the Peace Corps.

Meanwhile, you feel like you’re just killing time.

I’m here to help.

Let me help your sort through all the variables… the unknowns… the people in your life.

We’ll partner to help you develop a personal mission statement about what’s important to you: work, relationships, values, and goals.

We’ll find tools to help you cope with the overwhelming anxiety and depression that block you, and we’ll process the faulty thinking that might have put you there in the first place.

We’ll problem-solve your current, practical adult issues in a way that gives you the ability to solve future problems independently.

I’ll teach you valuable communication and self-advocacy skills that will help you maximize your relationships – both in work and in love. You’ll learn how to get that promotion, deal with a difficult boss or colleague, and win clients for your company. You’ll also learn how to navigate adult relationships, break up or make up, and ask for what you need.

Let’s team up on this one…

You don’t have to do this alone. I’m here to help you through it.

Together, we’ll make sure you’re the person you’ve always wanted to be: stronger, more confident, and focused on your goals.

Let’s talk about how I can help. Call now for your free consultation! (310) 717-4239